About Us

God Sings & Rejoices Over us

We Love because he first Loved Us,
We Sing because He first Sang Over Us

A wise man named Jeremiah said " God rejoices and sings over us. You have a Almighty Loving, Good & Caring Dad who sings His Blessing & Promises daily on you.

We all can sing & to sing you need not be a singer or songwriter, you only need to use the voice that God has given you.

A powerful person said Singing is praying to God twice because you can always singing with a joyful heart.

This platform I have created so that everyone has a chance to sing. 
You can send me your song through contacting me & I will work to promote your song for free.

Kindly watch this below video. If you are worshiper or worship leader, you need to watch this video

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